Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dojo Seminar 09'

I just want to take a moment to thank Sensei Stan Leach, head instructor of Orland Shorin-ryu karate dojo, and all his attentive students, for a successful FIRST seminar by Wicked Iron Underground. We were kindly invited to Sensei Leach's beautiful NEW dojo (school) to teach what we know about strength and how it can apply to karate and every day life, and we thoroughly enjoyed taking the time to relay some of our knowledge about strength and it's related topics to his students, and seemed as though the students had some fun as well...hard-style!
I'm sure some of you out there can attest to functional strength and how it has transformed at least your body, if not a large part of your outlook on fitness as a whole. The learning part of fitness is a battle, because to accomplish a higher level of strength, flexibility, agility, etc., one has to push through a somewhat painful experience to get to a certain point of technicality and knowledge of one's self, therefore being able to tap into one's potential...and ATTAIN IT!
Even though learning these methods is a great experience in itself, TEACHING them is a whole different ballgame (or bellgame for all you iron-lovin' comrades), and opens up a lot of new things for the practitioner when it's flowing OUT of you, instead of learning, when knowledge is flowing into you. Most people with enough life-experience know that teaching is the best way to learn, and it's certainly the best way to "know your stuff."
To make a long story short, we had a great experience letting the knowledge flow out to others, and we learned a lot about the iron, about ourselves, and about others through teaching the things for which we have such a passion.
If you haven't dived already into the world of functional strength, find someone who knows their stuff, give it a try, then us know what you think. There are MANY professionals out there who are more than willing to pass on some of their knowledge about what they do, given you are determined to make something more of yourself, or to just find a NEW way to throw around the weights.

Keep on keepin' on!
Dan C
Wicked Iron Underground

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Wicked Iron Underground by Jason J. Burgess & Dan Colageo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.